On January 8, 2025, it was announced that the island’s next General Election would be held on February 18, 2025, which saw the PLP retain the government by winning 25 constituencies, the OBA earn 11 seats in the House of Assembly, with the overall voter turnout at 54.99%.

There were a total of 109 candidates in the election, spanning three political parties and independents, however only candidates from the two major parties – the PLP and OBA — won seats in the election.

Slideshow of all the 2025 winners and candidates:

Out of the 36 constituencies, the majority retained the incumbent MP, with only nine seats making any form of a change; four constituencies moved from the PLP to the OBA, and five constituencies voted for the same party, but there will be a change of MP.

The nine new MPs will be the PLP’s Paul Wilmot, Pastor Leroy Bean, Alexa Lightbourne, and Owen Darrell, as well as the OBA’s Dwayne Robinson, Robin Tucker, Michael Fahy, Dr Douglas DeCouto and Linda Smith.

All four new PLP MPs won seats that were previously held by the PLP, with the prior MPs [Wayne Caines, Lt/Col David Burch, Walter Roban and Derrick Burgess] retiring. One of the OBA MPs it’s from a seat previously held by the OBA with the MP [Susan Jackson] retiring, while the other four new OBA MPs are seats that were previously held by the PLP.

Photos of the various candidates at the polling stations on Election Day