Home All Constituency #11 Devonshire East General Election Results

Constituency #11 Devonshire East General Election Results [Updated For 2025]

The 2025 General Election saw a three-way race, with the incumbent Christopher Famous [PLP] winning the seat with 421 votes [58.72%], the OBA’s Geoffrey Faiella second with 273 votes [38.08%] while Independent Wayne Williams was third with 23 votes [3.21%].

Since the one seat system started in 2003, the PLP have won Devonshire East three times, and the OBA or UBP have won the seat a total of three times.

In the 2017 General Election this seat was one of the most notable results, with the PLP’s Chris Famous defeating Bob Richards, who was the incumbent and served as the OBA Deputy Leader and Finance Minister, and Mr Famous retained the seat in the 2020 and 2025 General Elections.

2025 General Election

2020 General Election

  • 2020 Winner – Christopher Famous [PLP]
  • PLP’s 2020 Candidate – Christopher Famous
  • OBA’s 2020 Candidate – Pat Gordon-Pamplin
  • FDM’s 2020 Candidate – No FDM candidate
2017 General Election

2012 General Election

The Constituency Boundaries Report [PDF] states: “Constituency #11 Devonshire East shall be all that land contained within a line drawn from the junction of Poinciana Road with Watlington Road East; thence North-East along the centreline of Watlington Road East to the junction with Chaingate Hill; thence North-West along the centreline of Chaingate Hill to the junction with Middle Road; thence North-East along the centreline of Middle Road to the junction with Hermitage Road; thence South-East along the centreline of Hermitage Road to the junction with Verdmont Road; thence South along the centreline of Verdmont Road to the junction with Collectors Hill; thence South along the centreline of Collectors Hill to the junction with South Road; thence North-East along the centreline of South Road to the junction with Green View Lane; thence South-East along Green View Lane following a straight line to a point on the coastline; thence continuing South-West along the coastline and following the coastline to a point on the coastline at the boundary between the Aerial Sands property and the Palm Grove Trust property; thence North-West along the property boundary that divides the Aerial Sands property and the Palm Grove Trust property to the junction of Brighton Hill Road and South Road; thence East along the centreline of South Road to the junction with Poinciana Road; thence North along the centreline of Poinciana Road to the junction with Watlington Road East.”