The 2025 General Election saw a three-way race, with the OBA’s Dr Douglas DeCouto winning the seat with 529 votes [64.59%], the PLP’s Joanne Ball-Burgess was second with 235 votes [28.69%] while Independent Justin Mathias was third with 55 votes [6.72%].
Since the one seat system in 2003, the OBA have won the seat in three General Elections, and the PLP have won the seat in three general elections, and the PLP have also won a by-election.
This seat was won by the OBA in the 2017 General Election, but following the resignation of the OBA’s Jeff Baron, the PLP’s Curtis Dickson won the seat in a by-election, increasing the PLP’s margin in the House from 24-12 to 25-11. The statistics below only reflect the General Elections.
The Constituency Boundaries Report [PDF] states: “Constituency #25 Warwick North East shall be all that land contained within a line drawn from the junction of Middle Road and Longford Road; thence North-West along the centreline of Longford Road to the junction with St. Mary’s Road; thence South-West along the centreline of St. Mary’s Road to the junction with Tribe Road No.6; thence North-West along the centreline of Tribe Road No.6 to the junction with Harbour Road; thence North to a point on the coastline; thence continuing North-East along the coastline and following the coastline to a point on the coastline North-West of the junction of Harbour Road with Jones Lane; thence South-East to the junction of Harbour Road with Jones Lane; thence North-East along the centreline of Harbour Road to the junction with Cobbs Hill Road; thence South-East along the centreline of Cobbs Hill Road to the junction with the Railway Trail; thence West along the centreline of the Railway Trail to the junction with Tribe Road No.3; thence North-West along Tribe Road No.3 to the junction with Olive Bank Drive; thence North-West along the centreline of Olive Bank Drive to the junction with Middle Road and shall include Lefroy Island, Verrill Island, Agassiz Island, Beebe Island, Hinson Island, Godet’s Island, Watling Island, Bluck’s Island, Marshall Island, Irresistible Island, Fern Island, Long Island, Ports Island, Nelly Island, Hawkins Island, Alpha Island, Beta Island, Gamma Island, Delta Island, Epsilon Island, Zeta Island, Eta Island, Theta Island, Iota Island, Kappa Island, Lambda Island, Pearl Island, Darrell Island, Burt Island, Ricketts Island and Grace Island.”