Home All Constituency #26 Warwick South Central General Election Results

Constituency #26 Warwick South Central General Election Results [Updated For 2025]

The 2025 General Election saw a two-way race, with the incumbent Neville Tyrrell [PLP] winning the seat with 505 votes [78.42%] while the OBA’s Montell Currin was second with 139 votes [21.58%].

Since the one seat system started in 2003, the PLP have won the seat in all six General Elections [in 2020 only the PLP fielded a candidate in this seat], and also won a by-election [in 2016, see Bernews coverage here], all with over 65% of the vote. The statistics below only reflect the General Elections.

2025 General Election

2020 General Election

The PLP’s Neville Tyrrell was the only candidate for this seat in the 2020 election.

  • Incumbent: Neville Tyrrell [PLP]
  • PLP’s 2020 Candidate – Neville Tyrrell – winner
  • OBA’s 2020 Candidate – No OBA candidate
  • FDM’s 2020 Candidate – No FDM candidate
2017 General Election

2012 General Election

The Constituency Boundaries Report [PDF] states: “Constituency #26 Warwick South Central shall be all that land contained within a line drawn from the junction of Middle Road with Stadium Lane; thence East along the centreline of Middle Road to the junction with Olive Bank Drive; thence South East along the centreline of Olive Bank Drive to the junction with Tribe Road No.3; thence South-East along the centreline of Tribe Road No.3 to the junction with the Railway Trail; thence North-East along the centreline of the Railway Trail to the junction with Rock Valley Road; thence South-East along the centreline of Rock Valley Road and the property boundaries of properties of Rock Valley; thence continuing South-East along the property boundaries dividing the properties of Rockland Crescent and the Southlands property to the junction of South Road and Marley Beach Lane; thence South-East along the centreline of Marley Beach Lane to a point on the coastline; thence continuing South-West along the coastline to a point on the coastline at the Western boundary of Astwood Park; thence North-West along the Western boundary of Astwood Park to South Road; thence South-West along the centreline of South Road to the junction with Warwick Lane; thence West along the centreline of Warwick Lane to the junction with Spice Hill Road; thence North-East along the centreline of Spice Hill Road to the junction with Pearman’s Hill; thence North-West along the centreline of Pearman’s Hill to the junction with Pearman’s Hill West; thence South-West along the centreline of Pearman’s Hill West to the junction with Stadium Lane; thence North-East along the centreline of Stadium Lane to the junction with Middle Road.”