The 2025 General Election saw a two-way race, with the incumbent Neville Tyrrell [PLP] winning the seat with 505 votes [78.42%] while the OBA’s Montell Currin was second with 139 votes [21.58%].
Since the one seat system started in 2003, the PLP have won the seat in all six General Elections [in 2020 only the PLP fielded a candidate in this seat], and also won a by-election [in 2016, see Bernews coverage here], all with over 65% of the vote. The statistics below only reflect the General Elections.
The Constituency Boundaries Report [PDF] states: “Constituency #26 Warwick South Central shall be all that land contained within a line drawn from the junction of Middle Road with Stadium Lane; thence East along the centreline of Middle Road to the junction with Olive Bank Drive; thence South East along the centreline of Olive Bank Drive to the junction with Tribe Road No.3; thence South-East along the centreline of Tribe Road No.3 to the junction with the Railway Trail; thence North-East along the centreline of the Railway Trail to the junction with Rock Valley Road; thence South-East along the centreline of Rock Valley Road and the property boundaries of properties of Rock Valley; thence continuing South-East along the property boundaries dividing the properties of Rockland Crescent and the Southlands property to the junction of South Road and Marley Beach Lane; thence South-East along the centreline of Marley Beach Lane to a point on the coastline; thence continuing South-West along the coastline to a point on the coastline at the Western boundary of Astwood Park; thence North-West along the Western boundary of Astwood Park to South Road; thence South-West along the centreline of South Road to the junction with Warwick Lane; thence West along the centreline of Warwick Lane to the junction with Spice Hill Road; thence North-East along the centreline of Spice Hill Road to the junction with Pearman’s Hill; thence North-West along the centreline of Pearman’s Hill to the junction with Pearman’s Hill West; thence South-West along the centreline of Pearman’s Hill West to the junction with Stadium Lane; thence North-East along the centreline of Stadium Lane to the junction with Middle Road.”