Since the one seat system in 2003, the PLP have won the seat five times and the UBP have won it once. The seat is currently held by the PLP’s Lovitta Foggo, who has won the seat in the last five General Elections.
The 2025 General Election saw a three-way race, with the incumbent Lovitta Foggo [PLP] winning the seat with 441 votes [65.14%], the OBA’s Maurice Foley second with 167 votes [24.67%] while the FDM’s Shakera Richardson was third with 69 votes [10.19%].
The Constituency Boundaries Report [PDF] states: “Constituency #3 St David’s shall be all that land contained within a line drawn from the junction of St. David’s Road and Pepper Hall Road; thence West along the centreline of St. David’s Road to the junction with Dolly’s Bay Road; thence West to a point on the coastline; thence North along the coastline around Great Bay, St. David’s Head and Ruth’s Point to a point on the coastline South-East of the junction of Cooper’s Island Road with Southside Road; thence North-West to the junction of Cooper’s Island Road with Southside Road; thence North-West along the centreline of Southside Road to the junction with Tommy Fox Road; thence North along the centreline of Tommy Fox Road to the junction with The Sink Road; thence North along the centreline of The Sink Road to the junction with Bee Hive Drive; thence North-East along the centreline of Bee Hive Drive to a point on Pepper Hall Road; thence North along the centreline of Pepper Hall Road to the junction with St. David’s Road and shall include Little Oswego Island and Great Oswego Island.”